Your path to well-being

Help with single parenting

Marriage & Couple's Counseling

A path to optimum wellness

Professional Therapy for:

Anxiety | Depression | Relationships | Life Transitions | Individual Psychotherapy | Marriage & Couple’s Counseling | Parenting | Integrative Approach

Psychotherapy and Counseling in New York City

Individual Psychotherapy · Marriage Counseling and Couples Therapy


  • Is your life not what you want it to be?
  • Are you struggling to achieve your personal or professional goals?
  • Are you battling depression, anxiety, loss or addiction?
  • Do you need a caring professional who will listen and help you?

Susan Whedbee NYC Psychotherapy

There are a number of reasons people seek therapy. You might have a specific issue you want to address or you might feel that something is not quite right in your life but feel stuck as to how to make a change. Whatever the issue, my commitment as a therapist is to help individuals and couples move beyond their challenges so that they can improve their lives while achieving overall well-being.

It is important to me that my patients feel understood and cared for so that a therapeutic bond can be established to maximize the healing process.  My work is informed through collaboration with my patients and by my education, experience, empathy and authenticity. As a licensed psychotherapist and psychoanalyst, I feel privileged to work in a profession that allows me to make positive changes in people’s lives every day. My comprehensive approach to therapy enables patients to identify and change the patterns that interfere with the realization of their personal or professional dreams and goals. I work extensively with the following issues:

My Focus as a Psychotherapist

Therapy can address a wide range of personal and professional challenges for patients, whether they be individualscouplesparents, stepparents or single parents. Grief and loss, addictive behaviors, life transitions and health concerns are a just a few reasons people turn to therapy in their search to build more meaningful and happier lives. Recognizing some of the issues unique to women, I have helped many women manage their feelings relative to a number of issues such as being a working mother or a stay at home mom, juggling career and family and developing or enriching a relationship. Moreover, I also work with men to help them manage and process their concerns which can be related to their roles within their families, relationships or careers. While some patients may have more complex emotional issues, others may feel that they are relatively stable and live fairly successful lives. They may, however, feel that some aspect of their life lacks positive direction. Therapy can help to address this and serve to enhance their overall well-being.

Individual Psychotherapy

individual - psychotherapy - nyc

Do you feel something is amiss in your life whether it be personal or professional?  My role as a therapist is to help you to identify and understand the obstacles that stand in your way and to facilitate a process which ultimately results in positive change. Read more

Marriage & Couples Counseling


Intimate relationships can be a source of great joy and comfort, but also the cause of much pain and loss.  I work with couples to help them to understand the challenges they are facing as well as provide practical approaches to re-establishing a healthy relationship. Read more



Relationships, whether they be intimate or platonic, professional or family, often require a delicate balance. I will help you take the necessary steps to develop and maintain healthy and productive interpersonal relationships in your daily life.
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Parenting/Step-Parenting is an important and complex job and doesn’t come with a manual. I can help you with the challenges of raising healthy, well-adjusted children. A key element of this is to understand the value of role modeling which will engender a healthy and respectful relationship with the child. Read more



You may feel confident within the roles you plan in your personal and professional life but are going through a period of notable stress when stretched beyond your capacity. Unrelenting stress can lead to anxiety. Does it feel like the world is constantly pushing in on you? I can help you pin down the source of your anxiety and provide tools to help you manage stress and anxiety in your daily life. Read more



Do you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, sad or tearful a good part of the day? Do you find it either difficult getting out of bed in the morning or getting a good night’s sleep? Do you find you are no longer enjoying the things that gave you pleasure in the past? Is it difficult to concentrate? Depression takes many forms. I can help you identify the source and provide a number of treatment options to help the healing process. Read more

Life Transitions


Change is seldom easy. Whether you are experiencing the loss of a loved one, a job disruption, relocation, the end of a relationship, newly divorced or married or change in health status, I can help you process these life transitions so that you can integrate them successfully and move forward. Read more

Integrative Approach

Your emotional health is tied closely to your physical well-being. In my practice, not only do I help my patients examine their emotional landscape, I also encourage them to consider how they are nourishing themselves both psychologically and physically. I can present you with the results of scientific studies on nutrition and health and help you navigate the literature.
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How Psychotherapy Can Help

I use a variety of therapeutic strategies from contemporary relational psychoanalysis to cognitive behavioral therapy depending on your individual needs. My role as a therapist is not just to treat symptoms but to help my patients gain insight about the root cause of their issue and provide tools to enable them to move forward to bring positive change to their lives. I help my patients identify the precipitants that cause emotional discord and help them understand the connection between their emotional and physical well-being and how one can have an impact on the other.
For patients who are interested in a more integrative approach, I provide education on the impact of nutrition on their emotional and physical states. I’ve spent years reviewing the research on nutrition and health and have consolidated the information after receiving a certificate from Cornell in Plant Based Nutrition. I can distill the results of a body of scientific research so that you can make informed decisions about how you nourish yourself physically and emotionally.

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To Schedule an Appointment

To arrange a consultation, please use the contact form or call my office at (212) 265-6338.